Update on Trail Use at Emma Long Park
By: Laura Peters
Based on events that have occurred between November 7 and January 11, the following update is being provided to those who wish to follow the progress of trails and trials at Emma Long Motorcycle Park. Regardless of what is happening now and in the future, please remember to be grateful for all that we have to ride at the Park. Respect the rules and be a good steward of the land. Clean up trash, remember your spark arrestor, and do not ride on Oak Shores Dr.
Since the November 2012 presentation that disclosed the City’s intent to close certain trails that were regarded as “unauthorized” in the Park, many events have taken place. From that time, the club has come together to gather information to understand the events taking place and establish documentation that indicated the trails were authorized. The areas marked as unauthorized include the 2-way trail on Connor’s Creek and the majority of the trials sections. During our time of data gathering, the City also began to review historic information. We feel this historical review was most likely triggered as a result of the informational speeches provided by both the CTTA and Ridge Riders at council meetings (Parks and Environmental) in November and December 2012. On December 21, 2012 a park walk was held to review areas of the main loop that were scheduled for repair with current grant money. Members of Parks and Rec, Austin Water, CTTA, Ridge Riders, and AMSA were present. The meeting started off with greetings and introductions. At the conclusion of introductions, Austin Water revealed that their historical research provided information indicating areas of the Park that had been designated as “unauthorized” were actually documented within the history. Various maps and correspondence that they had found indicated that no single map from the mid 90’s documented all trails and uses of the park. One important portion of the trails that were identified as unauthorized is the 2-way trail on Connors Creek. The creek trail itself is currently being regarded as authorized. The other areas marked as unauthorized have not been discussed in detail. All attendees agreed that creating an official map with all features would be a good goal. The remainder of the afternoon of December 21 was spent collaborating on how to repair and make the main loop more sustainable. Personnel from all groups worked well together and established the framework for creating a long lasting relationship. Repairs are anticipated to take place from late January through February. During the walk, some of the trials sections were identified. The City indicated its desire to have these areas become more sustainable. The CTTA will be working with City personnel to understand and create sustainable trials sections, as well as map their locations.
Since the site walk, the CTTA has worked with the City to gain approval for a 2013 State Series Event weekend. Our event weekend is February 16/17.
More information on the main loop repair schedule will be posted as it becomes available. We ask you to be aware of where and when repairs are happening so you are not inconvenienced by the areas being worked on. It is possible that sections of the trail may be closed while they are working. We will know more soon.
All that has transpired the past few months is a result of the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP) and the City’s duty to manage it. Emma Long Metropolitan Park is one of many parcels within the Austin area that are part of this preserve. Because of this designation, the park needs to be managed in a certain way. More information and history about the BCP will be posted soon.
Laura Peters
Vice President CTTA 2012 – 2013
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