Category Archives: News - Page 6

RESULTS! 2019 Texas MotoTrials Championship Rounds 1 – 4 Posted

See the Schedule and Results page for all of the results!

Thanks to Jim Byrne for the results from rounds 1 & 2!
Thanks to Mitch Ely for results from round 3 & 4 and for electronically transcribing all results!

RESULTS! TSTC 2018 Rounds #12 & #13 @ Barnwell

Saturday Round #12
Sunday Round #13 

RESULTS! – 2019 Novice and President’s Cups

Congratulations to the 2019 Champions!
Novice Cup: Dylan Lozano
President’s Cup: BJ Miller

Trials Master: Tom Batchelor
Full results can be found here. Results courtesy of Tom Batchelor

2018 Summer Series Results!

Event by event results on the Schedules and Results page
2018 Summer Series Overall Results 

Scoring and results courtesy of Mitch Ely!

Results! Round #9 2018 Texas State Championship

Results from Round #9 of the 2018 Texas Trials Championship at Luckenbach have been posted! More than 60 riders were in attendance on a beautiful day in Luckenbach. A special Thanks! to Ron Sallman for the rocks to play on and for making it possible to watch a fabulous PRO event! Thanks also to everyone that helped set up, tear down or judged a section.

Results courtesy of Mitch Ely. Thanks Mitch.

Results for 2018 TSTC Rounds #7 & 8!

Section-by-section results, courtesy of Mitch Ely are here! CTTA @ CTOT Round 7, CTTA @ CTOT Round 8

Results! Rounds 5 & 6, NTTA at Red River

Results Texas MotoTrials Championship: Round #5, Saturday, Round #6, Sunday

Results transcribed to digital by Ben Dalgleish