Category Archives: News - Page 20

CTTA 4th Quarter Meeting News

The 4th Quarter CTTA Meeting was held Saturday June 9th. Topics of discussion were:

  • Finalized the 2012 CTTA Summer (& Fall…) Series Schedule
  • Demo Trailer. The CTTA membership agreed to develop a demo trailer. This demo trailer would have something for all club riders to ride, not just upper level riders. The plan is to use this trailer for the Harvest Classic demo area and for select shows. Trailer Committee: Ray Peters, Craig Henderson, Adam Hall & Don Hubbard
  • 40th Anniversary of the CTTA: Goodies to be made! Goodies Committee: Ben Dalgleish, Benji Dalgleish & Craig Henderson

2012 Texas State Trials Championship – Results!

Congratulations to the 2012 Texas State Trials Class Champions!

Rookie:   Tomas Pantin
Women:  Toni Migliavacca
Novice:    Cory Reece
Vintage:   Shawn Willis
Amateur: Daniel Hunt
Sr. Amateur: Craig Henderson
Veteran:  Guy Stubbs
Vintage Exp: Mark Hansen
Intermediate: Daryl Hood
Sr. PM:        Don Hubbard
Advanced:   Neil King
Sr. Exp:      Jay Glasscock
Expert:       Andrew Trousdale
Master:      Ray Peters

Special Awards:
AM Frock Award:
Toni Migliavacca
PM Frock Award: Philip Ramirez
Outstanding Sportsmanship: Jay Glasscock

For the complete results: 2012 Texas State Trials Championship

Please remember: riders must ride 1 more than half of the events (3+1=4) in order to be eligible for State Series awards.

Some numbers:
111 riders rode at least one event
57 riders rode 4 or more events
36 riders rode and completed in every event
On average 63 riders rode each event


Results! Round 6 Tx State Trials Championship

Another GREAT event at Texana! Wayne Brannon set some really fun sections for everyone’s riding enjoyment – Thanks Wayne!

Round 6 AM
Round 6 PM


Results Round 5 Texas State Trials Championship

Hi Everyone,

If you weren’t at Texana Ranch today, you missed a GREAT trial! Fun sections, some loose dirt… and a great loop – even the weather cooperated. Thanks to Kerry Glaze (today’s trailsmaster) for hosting a fun, safe and challenging event.

Results: Round 5 AM
Results: Round 5 PM

Final round is tomorrow!

Results – Round 4 Texas State Trials Championship!

Another beautiful day for mototrials at Red River! About 75 riders were in attendance for a really fun loop and some challenging, yet fun sections at the NTTA’s favorite riding area.

A BIG Thanks! goes out to the weekend’s Trials Masters: Ray French and Scott Gasser stepped up at the last minute to do the morning sections and Justin Dyess organized the afternoon event.

Thanks to all of the judges and everyone that volunteered to assist! We can’t do this without YOU!

Here are the results: Round 4 2012

Hope to see you at Rounds 5 & 6!

Results – Round 3 2012 TX State Trials Championship

Hi Everyone!

There was a great turnout, with 73 riders playing at the Red River Motorcycle Trails for Round 3 of the 2012 TX State Trials Championship! Trialsmasters Ray & Glen Roblin did a great job of setting some fun and challenging sections for our riding enjoyment (and the loop was awesome!)

Section-by-section results are posted here.

Hope to see another big turnout tomorrow for Round 4!


Round 2, 2012 Tx State Trials Championship

The CTTA was proud to host Rounds 1 & 2 of the 2012 Texas State Trials Championship at Emma Long Park in Austin this weekend. The weather on Saturday was very wet, but we couldn’t have asked for better weather on Sunday. We want to thank everyone that made the trek to Austin! We had a great turnout with almost 80 riders on Saturday and almost 90 on Sunday!

Here are the results for Round 2

There are many folks to thank and I’m sure I’ll forget someone, so please forgive me if I do…

Saturday’s Trials Masters: Stephen Hetzel & Ray Peters
Sunday’s Trials Masters: John Armour & Bobby Reece
Loop Master: Craig Henderson
Parking Lot Wrangler: Ben Dalgleish
Signup & Scoring:  Mitch Ely, Jon Penner & Don Hubbard

And to all of our judges – THANK YOU! Our judges were:
Daryl Hood, Preston Nelson, Joe Miller, jay Huffman, Bill Kunstmann, Laura Paugh, Lane Nelson, Neil King, Dan Burks, Jay Glasscock, Philip Ramirez, Andrew Trousdale, Justin Dyess, Lance Miller, Sheldon Hefler, Toni Migliavacca, Jennifer Franklin, Brian Hagler, Jon Penner, Zach Hood, Gene Toomey, Shawn Willis, Benji Dalgleish, Daniel Hunt, Eric Nesloney, Michael Glasscock, Ray French, Scott Gasser, Jim Byrne, Wayne McMahan, Mark Schubert, Mark McDonald, Guy Stubbs, David Mooney

Hope to see everyone at Rounds 3 & 4!