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Results Round 8 – Comanche Cup

The big overnight winds calmed down a bit for the second day of the Comanche Cup at the Mauldin’s ranch in the Palo Duro Canyon and we enjoyed a beautiful day up on the canyon rim. Ray and Laura set another fun event for Round 8 of the 2014 Texas State Championship. If you missed the inaugural Comanche Cup you really should make the effort when the opportunity next presents itself as the ranch is an amazing riding area!

Results Round 8   (updated 4/15)

Results Round 7

The first ever Comanche Cup on the edge of the Palo Duro Canyon is in the bag! Almost 50 riders enjoyed beautiful sunny weather, incredible views, a superb loop (fast and fun) and some kick butt sections at Round 7 of the Texas State MotoTrials Championship!

Here are the results from day one: Rookie, all other classes

Results Rounds 5 & 6 McMahan’s 2014 TXSMotoTrialsC

What a weekend!!!  I would like to start by thanking BJ, Pam, Avari, and Meya Miller, Bobby Reece, Neil King, Stephen Hetzel, and Jon Penner.  These CTTA members took several extra steps for me for this event to happen. Chase McDonald took charge of Sat AM sections. At, 14, quite the feat. 

With an abundance of bluebonnets, coupled with many weekend BBQ fundraiser entrants, the air was filled with scents of pleasure that one could not inhale enough times. Saturdays loop led the riders through acres of bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush to some brand new sections for both segments of the day. A half inch of rain on Friday added some wetness to a few PM sections, splash splatters. The dreaded or loved gravel pit became tamed a little bit more with the moisture. Sunday turned into log day for the afternoon guys. Roughly 45 logs crossing for the Masters per loop x4, logged out.

Two Cadet riders made their debut this weekend as well. Sam and Parker will be two to watch in the near future. 

The CASA cookoff raised over $1400 for the Bastrop, Lee, and Fayette  county area. I apologize for the unknown of food availability. Next year (if allowed to again) will morph into food trailer courts Saturday night with a single charge to graze from grill to grill or ala carte pricing. I was approached by a hot air balloonist (Nick Stanko), so look for those next year, weather permitting. 

To finalize, thanks for the continued support of this event to both entrants and volunteers.

Wayne McMahan, SORTA.

Results Round 5
Results Round 6

Results Rounds 1 & 2 2014 TX State MotoTrials Championship

What a great start to the 2014 State Series!!!  The event was held in Austin at the Emma Long Motorcycle Park.

A big thank you to everyone that braved the wacky bipolar Texas weather!  Those that arrived on Friday to help set up and camp endured below freezing temperatures all day.

A special thanks to Mitch Ely and Jon Penner for signing every body in, doing AMA, and keeping score, Tomas Pantin for setting tarps to block wind, and supplying the heater, and to all the trials masters listed below

John Armour and Neil King put on a great Round 1 on Saturday.  The morning riders had to endure the cold temperatures, but by the afternoon it was hot.  Some even got sunburned.  The “Jack Hammer Loop” was long and very challenging.  So much so that the morning riders had to have time extended.  Thanks to Tomas Pantin and Nora de la Fuente for marking and taping the loops.  No one could get lost with all that tape.

Sunday’s Round 2 was just as exciting.  Thank you, Mitch Ely and Bobby Reece.  The loop was much shorter and followed the creek bed.  It was rocky, but not nearly as abusive.  Everyone was pretty sore and worn out from Saturday so Sunday was tough.  It also got warm very quickly.  The morning sections were fun.  The Master riders were really put to the test and they all fought hard.

It was nice to see some new people show up and always great to see the regular Trials families.  A wonderful time was had by all.  We were glad to see that the “threat” of bad weather didn’t keep anyone from showing up.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the next event in Bridgeport on March 8th & 9th.

Happy riding and keep your feet up.

– BJ MIller

Results Round 1
Results Round 2


2014 Texas State MotoTrials t-shirts!

Here’s a preview of the 2014 Texas State MotoTrials t-shirts! Get yours from Tom before they’re all gone! Here are thumbnails of the front & back (click for a larger view).


Final Standings – 2013 Texas State MotoTrials Championship

Results have been posted here. Congratulations to all of the 2013 Champions!

Results courtesy of Tom Batchelor.

Schedule for the 2014 Texas State MotoTrials Championship!

Schedule Announcement for the 2014 Texas State MotoTrials Championship!

Rounds 1-2    Feb 8-9        CTTA      Austin City Park    Austin, TX
Rounds 3-4    Mar 8-9        TMT       Twin Hills at Lake Bridgeport, TX
Rounds 5-6    Mar 28-29    SORTA     Smithville, TX
Rounds 7-8    Apr 12-13    PANHANDLE Trial     Amarillo, TX
Rounds 9-10  May  17-18   NTTA   Red River M/C Park Bulcher, TX

For more information, check out the 2014 Introduction Letter!